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▶️ Why doesn't my SaeboGlove fit properly?

This video will answer why your SaeboGlove might not fit properly.

▶️ I am having issues with my thumb in the SaeboGlove

This video will address issues such as thumb instability, thumb adducting or pulling towards the index finger, and achieving optimum position of the thumb for grasping.

How do I stop the SaeboGlove from irritating the bone in my wrist near the base of my thumb?

This article will address how to avoid the SaeboGlove's plastic wrist spiral from hitting or rubbing your large wrist bone (the radial head), located near the base of your thumb. 1. The SaeboGlove sliding down and butting up against the bone is the m

Why is there bunching of material near my MCP joints (knuckles) when wearing my SaeboGlove?

This article will give you tips on how to address this. It is worth noting that bunching of material near the MCP joints is not uncommon and won't necessarily hinder effective use of the SaeboGlove. However, to try to reduce it we have some tips belo

Can the SaeboGlove be cleaned or re-used?

The Glove liner can be removed from the wrist support and be hand cleaned with lukewarm water and soap.The wrist splint can be cleaned with alcohol wipes/anti-bacterial spray.

What is the clinical criteria for the SaeboGlove?

In order to qualify for the SaeboGlove, clients should exhibit some ability to squeeze. If the clients cannot squeeze (curl fingers), then electrical stimulation to the finger flexors to facilitate squeezing can be provided. In addition to demonstrat

Who are good candidates for the SaeboGlove?

There are 3 groups that qualify for the SaeboGlove ranging from those with some finger extension, to those with very little extension. There are 3 groups of clients that qualify for the SaeboGlove: High-Level Neuro, Low-Level Neuro, and Orthopedic. 1

Why would I use the SaeboGlove over the SaeboFlex?

For those who are appropriate, the Glove is a quicker, easier, more functional option. For appropriate Glove patients:

How is the SaeboGlove different from the SaeboFlex?

The SaeboGlove is designed for hands that are very loose and flexible, with little - to no tone. The SaeboFlex is designed for hands that have much more tone.

Why do the elastic tensioners come off my SaeboGlove?

This article will give you tips on preventing your elastic tensioners coming off when using your SaeboGlove.

▶️ What will I receive in my SaeboGlove product box?

This video will show you what you will receive in your SaeboGlove box.

▶️ Why does the SaeboGlove feel tight on my fingers?

This video features answers to frequently asked questions about the SaeboGlove.

▶️ How to Measure Your Hand for the SaeboGlove

Get a good fit with these sizing tips for the SaeboGlove!. Before ordering your SaeboGlove, make sure you properly measure your hand to find the most appropriate size glove and splint for your hand and wrist. Watch this brief measuring tutorial video

What is the SaeboGlove?

A low-profile functional glove designed to re-train grasp and release movements. The SaeboGlove is an innovative hand device equipped with a proprietary tension system that extends the clients fingers and thumb following grasping. The spiral forearm

SaeboGlove Warranty

Limited Warranty: The SaeboGlove was manufactured to meet Saebo’s superior standards. However, regardless of how carefully you use, or how well you care for your glove, it will eventually begin to show age and wear. This warranty does not cover damag

Who can benefit most from the SaeboGlove?

There are 3 groups of clients that typically qualify for the SaeboGlove:. Mildly Affected Neurological Clients: These clients exhibit some finger extension, but not full. They may have used the SaeboFlex, but are no longer challenged by it. They may

If I already have the SaeboFlex, is there any reason to consider the SaeboGlove?

As clients make progress with their upper limb recovery, it is common to see improvement with spasticity and better movement in the wrist and fingers. When this occurs, the SaeboGlove may be more appropriate for their next stage of treatment.

SaeboGlove Manuals

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